
Storage module

The warehouse module makes it possible to maintain your own inventory for the associated dropshipping items.

Record goods receipt

  1. Enter the EAN of the desired product or variant and confirm your entry with the Enter key.
  2. You can now edit the number of pieces using the pencil symbol.

  1. Enter your stock quantity.
  2. Speichern Sie Ihre Eingabe

Own stock and own sales prices in the product

  1. Go to products
  2. Select the category in which the desired product is located.
  3. Open the detailed view by double-clicking on the product

  1. Select General for a non-variant item
  2. Wählen Sie Varianten bei einem Varianten-Artikel

In our example, this is a variant item:

  1. Navigate to Variants.
  2. Select the variant you want.
  3. Enter your desired net sales price.
  4. Enter your own inventory.
  5. Activate the Own storage active checkbox.
  6. Save your setting.
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