All features in an overview

Efficient Integration and Management of Your Dropshipping Products

Our app makes managing dropshipping products simple and efficient. Here’s how the process works:

Importing Products from the Wholesaler

In the first step, products are imported directly from the wholesaler into our web app. During this import, the app automatically calculates sales prices, downloads images, and imports essential data—everything you need for a smooth start.

Customization and Categorization in the App

After the import, you can make changes to the products directly in the app: edit product details, link categories to your shop, and select which products you want to transfer to your store. This way, you maintain full control over what appears in your shop.

Export and Synchronization with Your Store

In the third step, products are seamlessly transferred and linked to your shop. The app automatically creates categories and transfers images and product details, ensuring regular and reliable updates.

Our app offers a wide range of powerful features and customization options. If you need assistance during setup or have questions later, our experienced support team is always available—whether it’s for the initial setup or future adjustments.

Functions for article import/product management in the WebApp

Feature Description In Plan included


Our support is available to you at all times. Whether during setup or later during operation.
We are always there for you. By phone, email and ticket.

Access to the web app

You receive your own instance of the software which runs in every browser.
This is where you manage the products and wholesalers, set settings for the store and much more.

Import articles from wholesale

Products are automatically imported from wholesalers (with prices, stocks, categories, images, description)

Create categories

Categories are automatically imported into the WebApp. The import is carried out as specified by the wholesaler. The categories
can then be transferred 1:1 to the store or linked to existing store categories.

Exclude categories

Categories can be excluded so that their subcategories and articles are not transferred to the store

Price calculationDetails

Sales prices can be calculated automatically with the help of price templates. The calculation basis can be the RRP, EK
or the profit margin can be used. The price calculation automatically updates the prices as soon as the base price has changed.

Order handlingDetails

Import your orders from the store and transfer them to wholesalers with just a few clicks if they support it.

Additional  Modules

Attributes Module

Add attributes to the product data! These require more memory and resources, so there is an optional module for this. The attributes
can later be used as filters or as an additional description of the articles.

optionally bookable

Name customization module

Adjust names and descriptions automatically. For example, remove manufacturer names, replace or add descriptions in a kind of “if-then”.

optionally bookable

Auto Order Modul

Automatically transfer orders to wholesalers as soon as they have been collected by the store. An overview of all supported
wholesalers on the booking page (prices). Without the module, you can transfer orders to the wholesaler with two clicks.

optionally bookable

Functions for creating articles in your webshop

Feature Gambio Shopware 6 Shopify WooCommerce

Create and delete articles automatically

Create & update variants

Automatic price & stock updatesDetails

Order collection for handover to wholesaler

Benötigt Tarif “Shopify” oder höher

Category creation & mappingDetails

Kategorien müssen in Shopify über Smart Collections angelegt werden, die App sendet die letzte Kategorie an Shopify

Transfer base prices to store

Shopify unterstützt keine Anlage der Grundpreise per REST API. Solche Artikel werden als Entwurf importiert und können manuell angepasst werden

Create attributes for filters

Create product images

Price calculation with templatesDetails

Automatic Data import

As soon as your wholesaler displays new products in its CSV/API/Feed, our app recognizes the new products and creates them automatically.

Automatic updates

The app regularly retrieves the product data from the wholesaler at your specified interval. Inventory, availability, prices, and names and descriptions are all updated.

Order automation

The order import is basically free of charge, orders are imported from the shop/marketplace into the app and can be transferred from the app to the wholesaler.

Kategorie- mapping

Our application gives you the option of linking product categories from the wholesaler to categories that have already been created in your shop.

Extensive Pricing

Calculate your prices cleverly and create so-called “price templates” for individual wholesalers. You decide how much profit you add.

Variants- capable

Our app is able to import variant items from almost all wholesalers if the wholesaler offers variants.

Attribute & Filter

Import attributes and use them for filters or as item specifics in marketplaces. (Inexpensive add-on module)

Exclusion of product groups

If you do not want to sell all of your wholesaler’s products or sell them in the shop, you can exclude individual products or categories.

In order to be successful in e-commerce, you have to automate processes where it is possible. Constantly repetitive tasks are time wasters, make you tired and you lose sight of the essentials!
Take care of your customers instead of sinking into CSV files.
Automating CSV data processing will save you lots of time, I promise!

Updating your shop data is important to avoid wrong stock levels or old prices in the shop. Do you know the problem that you have to update your product data almost every hour, but you don’t have time for every CSV- Download your dropshipper’s file, edit it, calculate prices, etc.?
Import2Shop does all this for you completely automatically!

In addition to technical data, Import2Shop also ensures that item information such as images and descriptions automated is imported from the wholesaler’s shop into your shop. As a result, you don’t have to create the products manually by downloading images from the wholesaler, then uploading them to your shop, etc.

As a user of our software, you get access to reputable and lucrative dropshipping wholesalers. We are networked with a large number of wholesalers in a wide variety of areas.

Save time by automating processes

Automated inventory and price updates

Automated import of item information, such as descriptions or images

Access to our pool of reputable and lucrative dropshipping wholesalers

Individual connections possible

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