With our Shopify interface, you import new products into your shop and automatically keep prices and stocks up to date.
Our Shopify import connects your wholesale directly to your Shopify shop. Forget manual Shopify CSV import and automate Shopify product import. Thanks to the Shopify API connection, it is possible to create new items in Shopify, update them and much more. Get to know all the features and also learn more about features that the Shopify interface does not currently offer!
We transfer the product images to your shop via the Shopify API connection. This also applies to variant images.
Fig. Sample item of a variant item with images
Shopify doesn’t support automatic menu structure creation, so we import a product’s category as “Product Type” and create the category as “Smart Category /Collection”. In the smart category it is stored that all articles with the product type “XY” belong to this category. In this way, you can build a unique category and menu structure.
With our interface it is possible to import the orders from Shopify into the app and from there to send them to the wholesalers (if your wholesaler has an API and has been connected by us, please ask us for this information or take a look at our wholesaler page whether your wholesaler is connected to the order automation).
You have the option of deciding which orders are to be imported. To do this, simply store the desired statuses in the app for which orders are to be picked up.
Unfortunately, the Shopify interface currently does not offer any functions for importing the basic prices, you have to rework them manually. To make this easier, we’ll import the products into your Shopify store as a “draft.” This makes it easier for you to find, edit, and publish the articles. As soon as the Shopify interface is extended with this function, we will integrate it.
This website is aimed exclusively at traders. | All prices plus the statutory VAT applicable at the time of purchase.