partner companies

In order to be successful in e-commerce, you have to automate processes where it is possible. Constantly repetitive tasks are time wasters, make you tired and you lose sight of the essentials!
Take care of your customers instead of sinking into CSV files.
Automating CSV data processing will save you lots of time, I promise!

Updating your shop data is important in order to avoid wrong stock levels or old prices in the shop. Do you know the problem that you have to update your product data almost every hour, but you don’t have time for every CSV- Download your dropshipper’s file, edit it, calculate prices, etc.?
Import2Shop does all this for you completely automatically!

In addition to technical data, Import2Shop also ensures that item information such as images and descriptions automated is imported from the wholesaler’s shop to your shop. As a result, you do not have to create the products manually by downloading images from the wholesaler, then downloading them again upload it to your shop etc.

As a user of our software, you get access to reputable and lucrative dropshipping wholesalers. We are networked with a large number of wholesalers in a wide variety of areas.

Save time by automating processes

Automated inventory and price updates

Automated import of item information, such as descriptions or images

Access to our pool of reputable and lucrative dropshipping wholesalers

Individual connections possible

Letztes Webinar verpasst?

Kein Problem, unser nächstes findet schon bald statt. Trag Dich jetzt ein und erfahre, wie Du dein Dropshipping Business automatisierst. Völlig unverbindlich und kostenfrei.

Freitag, 30.06.23
18:00 – 19:00 Uhr Livedemo
ab 19 Uhr beantworten wir Deine Fragen

Wir schauen uns alle Einstellungen an, begonnen beim Datenimport, über Preiskalkulation bis zur Datenübergabe an Dein Shopsystem!

Am Ende weißt du wie einfach es sein kann, Geschäftsprozesse im Streckenhandel zu automatisieren. Außerdem beantworten wir alle auftretenden Fragen.


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