
Wholesaler / Warehouse

Import settings

wholesaler settings

    1. Select wholesale / warehouse.

    1. Import – open settings.

    1. Main category: Here you have the option of setting a main category, under which the articles including the wholesale category structure are then imported.

    1. Price template: Please select the standard price template to be used for wholesale / warehouse.

    1. Minimum stock: if article <= [minimum stock], the article will be imported with 0 and deactivated if the corresponding setting is selected.

    1. Update price: Enable / disable price updates

    1. Update inventory: Enable / disable inventory updates

    1. Update name/descriptions: Enable/disable title and description updates

    1. Article of the wholesale autom. Publish in the shop: Automatically import all articles from the wholesaler into the shop.

    1. Save: All settings must be confirmed using the save button

Import – Additional – Settings

Wholesaler additional settings

    1. Select wholesale / warehouse.

    1. Import – Additional – Open settings.

    1. Call help: Call help for the setting options.

    1. Additional setting key: Select special function.
      Discount file: Special discounts on manufacturers / brands that a wholesaler grants (currently only EDC).
      Variant file: Extra file for variants (currently only VidaXL).
      Import packs of 10: Import packs of 10 variants (currently only InnoCigs).
      Atixo only size, no color: only imports the sizes as variants for Atixo, but not the colors!

    1. Additional setting – value: Enter the value for the special function.
      Discount file: Link to your discount file from the EDC portal.
      Variant file: Link to your attribute file which you get from the wholesaler (VidaXl).
      Don’t import 10-packs: Write YES if you don’t want to import the 10-packs for Innocigs.
      Atixo size only, no color: enter YES if you want to import size ONLY as a variant. The color values are then included in the article names and only the sizes can be selected as variants

    1. + Button: Add, confirm settings and save

XML File AttributeEDCLink to the XML file of the productsIf you have booked the attribute module and attributes are to be imported

discount fileEDCLink to your discount file from the EDC portal
z. B.: https://www.one-dc.com/de/download/discountoverview.csv?apikey=3exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
If you specify the discount file, the manufacturer’s discounts will be taken into account when calculating the price, insofar as this is permitted for the relevant product.
Import 10 packsInnocigsA value is not required. As soon as the setting (regardless of the value) is stored, NO bulk packs will be imported.If you don’t want to import packs of 10 and larger. Subsequent import is not possible.
VariationsVidaXLLink to your attribute file which you get from the wholesalerIf you want to import VidaXL with attributes
LanguageTWM, BigBuyDE, NL, EN usw.If you want to import English or Dutch. If this is not entered, German will be imported automatically
CurrencyAll available

HUF – Hungarian Forint
USD – US dollars
PLN – Polish zloty
DKK – Danish Krone
CZK – Czech koruna

Enter the desired currency from the feed to convert the prices into EUR. Currency values are fetched daily from the ECB.Feed – Einstellungen

Wholesaler feed settings

    1. Select wholesale / warehouse.

    1. Expand feed settings.

    1. Data Feed URL: Enter the URL for the wholesale data feed.

    1. Username: Enter the wholesaler’s API username (only necessary if the wholesaler is connected via API).

    1. User password: Enter the wholesaler’s API user password (only necessary if the wholesaler is connected via API).

See also:

Wholesaler specific settings

Base data

Wholesaler master data

    1. Select wholesale / warehouse.

    1. Expand feed settings.

Here you have the option of editing the master data for wholesale or the warehouse.

Special functions

wholesaler special functions

    1. Select wholesale / warehouse.

    1. Expand special functions.

    1. Delete item: Deletes all wholesale/warehouse items from our database and marketplace (shop). Please do not delete any products manually in the shop, this is fully automated.

    1. Recalculate Prices: Recalculate all wholesale/warehouse prices

    1. Sets the stocks to -999 and updates them with the next update

    1. Enable Wholesale

    1. Disable wholesale

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