Shopware 6 Import

Shopware 6 import and update – automatically

Our Shopware 6 import was developed to automatically create products in your Shopware 6 shop. In addition, the interface keeps stocks and prices of your wholesale in the shop up to date. Our latest feature is the automatic creation of filters, so it is possible to automatically use article attributes and variant values for filtering. Shop visitors can then narrow down what they are looking for even better! All you need is the attributes module, in addition to the Shopware 6 import module. You can add the attribute module at any time and unsubscribe monthly. If your wholesaler does not provide any attributes, you can create your own attributes for Shopware 6 filtering in our app and assign them to the items.

Of course, we also support the creation of categories and the import of article images and variants.

Die Features

The following features are supported by our Shopware 6 interface:

  • Creation of categories
  • Creation of variations
  • Automatic image upload
  • Price import (based on automated calculations)
  • base prices
  • Item Descriptions
  • Item Codes (EAN, MPN, etc)
  • inventory reconciliation
  • status comparison
  • I2S order submission (if supported by wholesaler)
  • Create filter (attribute module required and data must be enriched with attributes)
  • Increase RateLimiting to update article data faster

See all features at a glance.

In order to use our Shopware 6 Import Connector, you need our basic app in which the product data of your wholesaler is managed. There you have many functions available to simplify the editing of the item data. It also offers you the option of excluding products from the shop import, so that you are only able to export certain product groups to Shopware. Find out more about the functional scope of the application here.

Our support will help you with questions quickly and easily! Contact us to clarify questions or get help.

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