Order management

Import your orders

The order import is basically free of charge, orders are imported from the shop/marketplace into the app and linked to the articles there.

Statistics are generated from the imported data or they are available for transmission to wholesalers. Personal (customer) data is immediately anonymized as soon as you have processed the order, but no later than after 48 hours.

Order transmission with just a few clicks

Use our order transfer module (inexpensive upgrade module). Forget time-consuming copy and paste of the order data from the shop to wholesale. From the app you have the option of sending the order to the relevant wholesaler with one click. You can find out whether your wholesaler has an interface for order automation in the manual or from our support team.

Order transmission to wholesalers – fully automatic

Orders can be automatically sent to the wholesaler after importing them into the app. However, this requires some prerequisites; House number must come from the shop/marketplace as an independent value as an example. We would be happy to analyze whether your configuration and wholesaler are suitable for fully automated order transmission. Just contact us if you are interested!

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