Welcome to December, the month of joy and celebration! ??

We at Import2Shop are proud to offer you our top-notch dropshipping software. In this festive month, we want to express our gratitude for your trust and support.

As a special Christmas gift, we are pleased to announce that we are now offering a risk-free 7-day trial period for new customers. You have the opportunity to test Import2Shop in full without any restrictions. Take this opportunity to discover our diverse products and experience the quality of our services.

Our software is compatible with Shopify, Gambio, WooCommerce, Shopware 5 and Shopware 6. You can test our software for free and enjoy the benefits of our services. In addition, we offer seamless integration with VidaXL, BigBuy, Shopcom (Schweiz), InnoCis and many more.

We look forward to continuing to offer you top-notch products and services in the coming year.

We wish you and your loved ones a wonderful December, a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and successful New Year! 🎉

With warm regards, Your Import2Shop Team

Ihre Vorteile mit i2S

✔ Produktdaten mit Großhandel synchonisieren

✔ Automatisierte Bestellübertragung

✔ Preiskalkulationen automatisieren


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