New Features
- Price templates can be assigned to the following levels:
- manufacturer level
- wholesaler level
- The product legs
- Category junk
- Price templates can be assigned to the following levels:
- Import history is shown in the dashboard
- System logs are automatically deleted if older than 10 days
- Order submissions expanded to include wholesalers
- Automatically deactivate items when they are no longer in the feed
- Delivery statuses linked to shipping times for more individuality
Product release webshop
- Products can generally be released for the shop by a wholesaler
- In principle, products can be blocked for the shop by a wholesaler
- Products from a category, a manufacturer or individual products can be released or blocked for the web shop
- Price calculation is called up immediately after the import to recalculate new products or those that have a new purchase price
- Price calculation can be triggered manually in the wholesaler (for all products of this wholesaler)
- Price calculation can be triggered manually for a selected price template (recalculates all products that use this price template)
User Interface
- In the price template settings you can now see why a product has the selected price template
- In the “Prices & Availability” tab you can now see which price template was assigned to the article and why
- It is now possible to view a history of item changes (when did the price, stock, etc change)
Bug fixes
- Fixed display issues in dashboard