IT-Recht Kanzlei is a law firm specializing in e-commerce, based in Munich.
It is one of the largest providers of national and international legal texts for Internet presences. In addition, the law firm operates one of the most frequented legal portals in Germany under IT-Recht Kanzlei – “TOP WIRTSCHAFTSKANZLEI 2021” (Focus 09/2021).
IT-Recht Kanzlei offers legally secure legal texts (such as general terms and conditions, privacy policy & Co.) incl. maintenance service from 5.90 EUR net per month. For dealers this means permanently current and above all legally safe legal texts – with maximally simple handling: Over interfaces with the most usual Shopsystemen the actualization of the legal texts is fully automated.
In addition, clients can access, among other things, numerous samples, instructions for action and interesting service offers on the subject of e-commerce. Further information on the law firm and its services can be found here: IT-Recht Kanzlei – “TOP WIRTSCHAFTSKANZLEI 2021” (Focus 09/2021) .
Starten Sie in die Digitalisierung!
Prozessautomatisierung ist das A und O in der Onlinewelt. Zu viele Aufgaben benötigen zu viel Zeit. Setzen Sie daher unbedingt auf automatisierte Prozesse. Sie sparen dadurch Geld und Zeit. In der heutigen Zeit unverzichtbar!