Information for wholesalers

Information for wholesalers

Do your customers have to use which dropshipping, manually create, compare and manage products? We want to help your customers to automate this and win you as a premium partner. It doesn’t cost you a cent as a wholesaler!

What problem does our software solve?

Our software solves a very big problem that 90% of all dropshipping users have: The automatic creation, updating and removal of products that they purchase from your wholesaler and the fully automatic price calculation based on various criteria.

Our software automatically reads your product data into the dealer web shop via CSV or API interface, calculates the (desired) sales prices, creates categories independently, manages attributes and much more!

Thanks to the automatic stock comparison, your customer no longer runs the risk of selling items that you no longer have available.

Which wholesalers are already recommending us to their customers?
We currently have around 10 distributors as premium partners, the three largest being TWM from the Netherlands, Innocigs – Germany’s largest wholesaler for e-cigarettes and EDC/Orion erotic wholesale, Europe’s largest mail order company for erotic items.
These premium partners are so satisfied that we are their exclusive recommendation to their customers. We are proud of that!


What do you get out of it as a wholesaler?
More sales! Our customers have made an average of 45% more sales since they started using our software. Thanks to the complete automation, products are created faster and without errors and are offered for sale immediately, even before the competition puts the items online.
New products are imported from your feed into your customer’s shop immediately and without delay! You have a much higher chance of selling because your customer does not have to create the items.

If you are a (free) premium partner with us, existing users will become aware of you and your reach will increase. Your customers will be supported by us, be it with tips and tricks about online trading or help with other topics related to your data. Your customers pester your support with questions about how to use your files / API? No problem, that’s what we’re here for. Your customers are welcome to contact us and pester us with questions.

What makes us unique compared to other providers?
Our software offers a unique price calculation with which sales prices can be calculated automatically! This will help your customers calculate the prices they want without much effort. We love customers! With us, every user is unique, no standard answers, first-class support.

You as a wholesaler do not incur any costs, we only want the recommendation to your customers via link, newsletter, etc.

Don’t let your customers suffocate in the update madness, let them sell your items with Import2Shop!

We would be very happy to welcome you to our premium partner program! Call us or send us an email.


How it works

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