

Gambio API Settings Import2Shop App:

Gambio Marketplace Settings

Gambio API Setup Import2Shop NextGeneration

Configuration Import2Shop web app:

  1. Please select Gambio.
  2. Please enter the user’s Gambio password as the API password.
  3. As an Api user, please enter the email address of the Gambio user with admin rights.
  4. Please enter your Shopware domain as API host: https://mein-Domain.de .
  5. Save the settings in our app.

Gambio more features

Gambio more features

  1. Other functions (you can access the settings for the other functions via this dropdown menu)
  2. Import gross prices (when activated, we immediately add the applicable VAT to the sales price)
  3. Order transmission active (here you can activate / deactivate the order transmission to our system)
  4. Root category enter your root category ID here, default is always 0
  5. Save (click on this button to save your settings)

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Freitag, 30.06.23
18:00 – 19:00 Uhr Livedemo
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Am Ende weißt du wie einfach es sein kann, Geschäftsprozesse im Streckenhandel zu automatisieren. Außerdem beantworten wir alle auftretenden Fragen.


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